Sunday, June 08, 2008

Brown on Brown - A Ditherer

In the British Forces the expression Blue on Blue is used to describe "Friendly Fire" incidents when your own forces are attacked by allies.

Now we have Nick Brown The Labour deputy Chief Whip saying that Gordon Brown's indecision over an Election last autumn was a "watershed" from which his reputation has not recovered. Not so much "Blue on Blue" as "Brown on Brown".

Apparently during the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary subtlety titled, Gordon Brown: Where Did It All Go Wrong? - Channel 4, tomorrow, 8pm, to mark Brown's first anniversary in No10 on June 27th, we will also see Jack Straw and Jacqui Smith question the Prime Minister's judgment and character. Looks like one not to miss.

PM's oldest ally goes on TV to call him a ditherer | Mail Online

1 comment:

McNoddy said...

Some of my non-PC colleagues already use the bob terminology as suggested, but occasionally it is simplified to sos!