Saturday, February 04, 2006

OkCupid! Politics Test

Don't know exactly what this means but these were my results. Kind of looks like to me that I don't know my own mind. Have a go! It is a bit American.
OkCupid! Politics Test:

You are a

Social Moderate
(50% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(60% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test"

Friday, February 03, 2006

BBC ON THIS DAY | 3 | 1966: Soviets land probe on Moon

Amazing to think how far we have come in only 40 years.
Virtually in my own life time we have developed the ability to reach further than our own little planet.

BBC ON THIS DAY 3 1966: Soviets land probe on Moon

And yet despite the advances in the past 40 years we still manage to have disputes in the world like the one below. If we can make so many advances in technology why can't we also make that little step forward in our dealings with other people / religions /cultures etc.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New home Page

We now have a new home page for our family website. Follow the link above.
Please leave a comment or sign the guestbook.

Hopefully it will be easy to maintain.

BBC NEWS | Politics | Cameron 'among 100 sexiest men'

The end of the world is nigh.

BBC NEWS Politics Cameron 'among 100 sexiest men'

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Dilbert Blog: Dog Catches Car

The Dilbert Blog: Dog Catches Car

Just about says it.
How do you reconcile this.
Is it like the IRA being in Government, we seem to have managed that without any great problem.
Yesterdays 'Freedom Fighters' become tomorrows 'Fat Cats'.

Byers Byers Pants on Fire

What more can you say!

Another great day for the government

Another great day for the government. When will they work out that this is not a "Nanny" state we are living in. Even Blair managed not to vote so looks like he wasn't even sure of his own policy.

Further comments from Iain Dale on this:-