Friday, May 08, 2009

Gordon Brown Ripped to pieces and buried

Loved this story in the Telgraph

One of Europe's best-informed hostesses, Lady Powell – the wife of Lord Powell, a member of Margaret Thatcher's inner sanctum when she was prime minister – has ominous news for Gordon Brown.

Carla Powell has just had to bury a rabbit that she had named after the beleaguered Prime Minister. She tells me that all her animals have names associated with political and military leaders: thus she also has an alsatian named after Tony Blair because she felt he was "good looking, tough when he needed to be but essentially sweet-natured"; a doughty goose named Margaret Thatcher and two black sheep which she has called Barack Obama and Colin Powell – for obvious, if not entirely politically correct, reasons. She feels the demise of Gordon the rabbit augurs ill for Brown. He was a very timid creature who was always running away – the Prime Minister's decision not to call a general election last year decided her upon the name.

He was ripped to pieces, so she says, by one of her dachshunds. She does not name the culprit, but Mandrake fancies it could well have been called David Cameron.

Lady Powell says Rest in Peace, Gordon Brown - Telegraph

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