Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day - Romance after 17 Years

Seventeen years ago I celebrated my first Valentines Day with my Wife Chris. Being a man I can't remember what I gave her back in 1990, we may even have been apart as Chris then worked in Inverness and I worked in Aberdeen.

I'm sure it was something romantic, as it was our first Valentines day together, and a memory of roses being delivered to her work seems to come to mind.

Since then we have got married and had 3 children the oldest of whom is now 13, so romance tends to be in the background with the needs of everday life. So it's probably a good idea we have a day like today when we can celebrate in a simple way our love.

The romance is certainly a bit different these days as noted by the following E-Mail I received this afternoon from Chris.

Re Valentine gifts for boring old married couples!

Hi Ali,
Here is some links to a selection that look nice, one is quite expensive and my favourite but also a couple of cheaper options for a spare set.
Cheapest first.
I like the 2nd option best.
This is my favourite but might be too red?
Just need you to get some essentials like veggies for tea tomorrow and school snacks.

Romance is still alive just in a different form!

P.S. I did buy the 2nd Option as the most expensive one was only available on the Internet. There were also some other more romantic gifts!


Praguetory said...

That was a cool post. Have a great day.

McNoddy said...

Sheet! It's not is it....