Thursday, September 27, 2007

Labour MPs in Scotland want to keep their Jobs

Despite all the predictions about a general election in October or maybe November or maybe not, it seems that Labour MP's in Scotland do not want to have their trotters removed from the Westminster trough.

They have been polled and are against an election this year by margin of 2-to-1 despite the polls that show Labour doing well after Clunkers speech in Bournemouth.

Their worries, as told to the BBC, appear to be to be with the weather rather than any thought they might lose their seats, of course the fact they just got beaten in Scotland by the SNP has nothing to do with it.

Apparently Jim Devine was one of those against the election saying

"I remember the last October election in 1974. It is cold, it is dark, we are liable to have a foot of snow from Aberdeen to Aberystwyth. This is not the time for an election. What's the rush? We only had an election two years ago. I think he should wait at least until next May."
My arse, in Scotland at least, I am in no doubt Labour would get the kicking they deserve losing seats to all parties.

This may well be one of the major reasons that Gordon is having to think hard about the possible election.

BBC NEWS | Scotland | Scots MPs 'against snap election'

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