Macavity Browne
I see our esteemed Defence Secretary Des Browne has been taking lessons from his bosses Blair and Brown and failed to appear for a Radio 2 interview with Jeremy Vine after specifically asking to come on the show this lunchtime. At 12:10 about 1 hour before the interview he was still due on but between then and 1 pm he pulled out, much to Jeremy's displeasure and judging by some the comments to the ire of the general public who were not best pleased. Instead a TV interview was released with the BBC's Vicky Young at the helm. No in-depth digging and basically a feed for Mr Browne to have his say rather than be questioned.
In the interview he basically says it was all everyone else's decision and he just had a "note" passed to him on the telephone about it. So it was only after he got to work on Monday that he changed his mind (more likely had it changed from him) and stopped the selling of stories.
Apart from making Britain, it's Armed Forces and our whole dealings with the Middle East look ridiculous then he has done little harm to us as a nation that hasn't already been done by Blair and Brown.
A resigning issue then you ask? When has a Labour Government Minister resigned when they have screwed up. Better to pass the buck and slope the old shoulders and hang onto screw us again later.
We can only hope that Scotland gives them a severe bloody nose in the May Elections and that both Blair and Brown along with Labour disappear back to the opposition benches as soon as possible.
P.S the photo is of Kali Mountford PPS for Des Browne, I googled for an image of Des Browne and the third one was this. I assumed it was Des in Drag at first!
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