Saturday, April 14, 2007

Labours Own Goal

I see Labour are up to their usual tricks when it comes to their spin. According to the Sunday Herald

A Character presented as a member of the public in a new Labour election broadcast due to be screened tomorrow night has been exposed as a former senior party apparatchik.

Murdo Mathison, until recently the deputy general secretary of Scottish Labour, is portrayed in the commercial as a typical Scot worried about the SNP's "tax bombshell".

His wife is also used as the other half of a couple anxious about the prospect of a Nationalist victory in May.
Just about what you would expect from New Labour. You cannot believe anything they say anymore. Time to vote them and their Lib Dumb cronies out of government in Scotland.

Hat Tip to MARCIA on Political Betting.

P.S. When reading the article try to ignore all the bad spelling and words run together, they seem to be a "feature" of the Sunday Herald.

Labours Own Goal (from Sunday Herald)

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