Thursday, February 22, 2007

Not me Guv - Blair defiant over Iraq security

I see our glorious leader has assumed no responsibility for the situation in Iraq, He said

" he bore no responsibility nor would he apologise for the "terrible" security situation in Iraq. "I don't think we should be apologising because we're not causing the terrorism. "It's being caused by internal extremists who are linking up with external extremists. And 80-90% of that violence is in or around Baghdad and it's being caused deliberately in order to stop the government of Iraq - which 12 million people voted for - from functioning."
So his lack of forethought prior to the Invasion of Iraq should not be taken into account. Did he think that the extremists would sit on their thumbs and say thank you. This man is beyond belief and must be got rid of as soon as possible. When will Gordon Brown have the balls to stand up and say it's time to go Tony.

BBC NEWS | Politics | Blair defiant over Iraq security

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