Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Alcohol 'shouldn't be sold like tattie scones'

I see Kenny MacAskill can't tell the difference between lingerie and wine, a barbecue and beer or tattie scones and vodka. In case he hasn't noticed you actually have to be at least eighteen to buy alcohol and you can't buy it at certain times so it is already more than just slightly different to the rest of the produce.

Perhaps he would prefer if alcohol was only available from licensed shops as in Norway, of course they have no alcohol problems!

If Kenny wants to stop people drinking then he should start applying the laws he already has properly to ensure Pub's /Supermarkets/shops sell responsibly rather than bothering with the fine details.

He would be better off making sure the corner shops stopped selling to underage drinkers rather than this sort of tactic. News - Politics - Alcohol 'shouldn't be sold like tattie scones'

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