Blair Cowardice - Britain's Shame
As usual Mr Blair shows his contempt and utter cowardice by not attending the Commons for an Iraq Debate. In fact the last time he attended was to declare War.
This is Blair's utter contempt for this country and his utter cowardice.
My wife's words are as follows.
"Tony Blair has no honour left, and to avoid leading the debate while troops are there and in Afghanistan is DISGUSTING!
But then, what is worse is the fact that he can't even tell us what he is going to do because it is probably part of Gordon Brown's 100 day decree's from upon high.
Our soldiers are out there undermanned, under equipped and the treasury won't even cough up for decent armoured vehicles to keep them safe.
Demanding a withdrawal by a pre arranged date which the Libdems seem to have pulled out of the sky, smacks of opportunism and a lack of thought about the soldiers there or the people of Iraq. But still they would have thought about the headline!
So Labour in limbo for political gain and surprise surprise the Libdems doing the same!"
In case Mr Blair has forgotten or has something more important to do here is a list of those who have been heroes for Britain, but will never have the opportunity to debate on Iraq with anyone again.
British Deaths in Iraq
BBC NEWS | Politics | Blair urged to lead Iraq debate
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